Website Landing Page
Building a dedicated Hokodo landing page will help to educate your customers about the payment terms available to them and how to access them at checkout. Including an FAQs section will also help to proactively answer any questions that your customers might have, leading to higher take-up rates at checkout.
Suggested messaging for your landing page
To make things easier for you, we have come up with some suggested copy for your Hokodo landing page. All you need to do is copy and paste the text in the PDF document below. Be sure to make it personalised by replacing the content in [brackets] with your store’s name!

Hokodo FAQs
We have answered a list of the most common questions that buyers have about Hokodo. You can either choose to use our Frequently Asked Questions element, create your own Hokodo FAQs page, or include them on the Hokodo landing page, immediately after the copy in the PDF below.